new track: artschooldiscoindiedance

good afternoon....

I've uploaded a new track, 'artschooldiscoindiedance', to my various pages/players hither and yon across the internet....

that should be the noise you're hearing just now from my reverbnation widget in the sidebar to your right, if it's working as well as it normally does....

if you like what you hear, and have a measly $0.99 to spare, you can also purchase a 320kbps mp3 of it from my reverbnation store....other tracks are also available....  :))

as you may have guessed from its title, it's a little number for y'all to jig around your handbags to, girls and boys, but with enough guitar action to keep the less effeminate of us from losing interest (hopefully)....hahahahaaaa....

it was going to be called 'artschooldiscogayboyindiedance', as I think it has a touch of the Franz Ferdinand in there, and well, you can work out the rest....but I thought that may cause offence and, well, that's not the idea....the track is offensive enough as it is, hahahaaaa....

anyway, that's enough guff for now....enjoy....os  :))



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