lockdown top-tip #3...

the third in a short series of lockdown top-tips…

old sarge lockdown top-tip #3...

alert citizen of the UK! do you have a dry, persistent cough, are sweating profusely and currently possess only three of the five senses? perhaps you’ve just been on a bicycle ride in continental temperatures with a rucksack full of alcohol purchased from your local convenience store, where you were by-chance verbally abused by a self-appointed non-staff random social distancing special constable prick? if I may be so bold, sir, tell the cunt to fuck off, promptly remind them to maintain the correct social distancing protocols themselves, excuse yourself from further debate on the matter, then retire at haste to a suitably safe social distance to enjoy your purchases: as your attorney, I can recommend you quench your thirst with the cerveza of the hour, a tall, frosty Corona: no sense of smell or taste required
...don't thank me, you're weclome…

two empty bottles of beer showing flagrant
disregard for social distancing protocols, yesterday


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